Sunday, December 21, 2008


I know I don't post often here, but we haven't been drinking a whole lot of wine. Summer was for cheap beer and gin 'n tonics, and now we've moved into brandy season.

I did realize that I haven't posted about Panilonco, which is by far my favorite TJ's wine right now! It's only $3.99 a bottle, and it comes in two varieties of red (there's a white option, but I haven't tried it yet): Merlot, and a blend of two types I don't recognize. It's from Chile, so it has a lot of yummy spiciness and pep. It's full-bodied, but not real thick.

I really like the Diablo wine from Concha y Torro (is that what it's called?), but this is like the cheaper version of it.

I will never drink Charles Shaw again, as long as Panilonco is in stock.

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